Yesterday,XRB (China bearing manufacturer)ship the 23122-2CS5/VT143 Sealed spherical roller bearings to Qingdao Port,and the goods will be lauch on Friday,these bearing can be arrive American the end of Next month.
23122-2CS5/VT143 sealed spherical roller bearings quantity is 200pcs for trial order,Our customer Mr.Micheal have large demand for this type bearings,200 pcs just for testing the quality of EASIER series sealed spherical roller bearings,EASIER Have confidence for its quality,hope Mr.Micheal would received the goods ealier,and of course looking forward to new sealed spherical roller bearings.
Explorer (China bearing manufacturer) can produce complete series sealed spherical roller bearings,the quality ABEC-1,ABEC-3,ABEC-5 are avaiable,normal delivery time is 2-25days according to the designation and quantity,the most optimized solution always our target.
Explorer (China bearing manufacturer) can produce complete series sealed spherical roller bearings,the quality ABEC-1,ABEC-3,ABEC-5 are avaiable,normal delivery time is 2-25days according to the designation and quantity,the most optimized solution always our target.