Today,Mr.Tomasz ordered 1100pcs FYH UCP205 Bearing,who comes from Poland and looking for good FYH UCP205 Bearing supplier for very long time,after 15days discussion,Mr Tomasz make a dicision and make a try for our service,FYH UCP205 Bearing is Japan brand and very famous in bearing field,thanks for give one chance to serve you and it must be a good start and long time relationshipment.
Type:FYH pillow block bearing
Delivery:2days after confirmed
Housing Number P205
Bearing Number UC205
Bearing Number UC205
Shaft Size 25mm
Bolt Size M10 3/8 in
Weight 0.8 kg 1.76 lbs
Locking Style Set Screw Locking
Set Screw Size 1/4-28UNF
Grease Fitting A-1/4-28UNF
H 36.5 mm 1-7/16 in
L 140 mm 5-1/2 in
A 38 mm 1-1/2 in
J 105 mm 4-1/8 in
N 13 mm 1/2 in
N1 18 mm 23/32 in
H1 16 mm 5/8 in
H2 70 mm 2-3/4 in
L1 38 mm 1-1/2 in
B 34.1 mm 1.343 in
S 14.3 mm 0.563 in
Basic Load Rating
Cr 14.0 kN 3150 lbf
C0r 7.85 kN 1766 lbf
Factor f0 13.9
High Quality FYH UCP205 Bearing consist of Cast Iron Housing(Pillow type), ball ,cage,wide inner ring,Hexagon soket set scrow,outer ring with spherical outside serface ,Seal,Grease hole,slinger ect. you can see that this bearing have a wide inner ring with set screws for attaching to the shaft,housing is cast iron with a grease zerk for re-lubrication the bearing.
FYH UCP205 Bearing screws are placed at a 90-degree angle to optimize balance between holding power and inner ring distortion. FYH UCP205 bearings are relubricatable and offer a full-width inner ring for added stability. FYH UCP205 Bearing features a positive-contact, three-pieces, fiber-imbedded R-seal to protect against harmfull contaminants and retain lubricant. The setscrew locking mechanism on the pillow block bearing is easy to install and well suited for reversing applications and normal loads.Applications for FYH UCP205 Bearing include: Construction, Conveyors, Food and Beverage, Packaging and General Industrial Equipment.
XRB bearing is the China Bearing manufacturer & exporter & factory & supplier, Pillow Block Bearing also name insert bearing with housing,it can produce pillow block bearing unit with cast iron housing,pressed steel housing, stainless steel housing. and many kinds of Pillow Block Bearing unit like UCP200 Series,UCPX00 Series,HCAK200 Series, UEP200 Series,SBSP200 Series,SSUCP200 Series,SSUCP200-TP Series,TYPE-E Series, M2000 Series,BLP200 Series, ALP200 Series,UCPH200 Series, UCPA200 Series. we are sure we can supply the good price ,fast delivery and perfect service for all of the bearing distributor and end user.