XRB( China bearing manufacturer) found many many bearing customer and end-user are not very clear of the concept of bearing,as the requested from my customers,XRB decide to introduce what is the bearing,and share some knowledge of the bearings with my customers from all over the world,so he or she can easy to find and recognize how about the bearings,how to know the value of the bearing,so they can choose the most valuable ball & roller bearings for his work.
According to its character,we divide plain bearing and rolling bearing,rolling bearing is the most application and most production on the market,and depending on its different element of the rolling bearing,we divided ball bearing and roller bearing,each of the ball & roller bearing have their own special design,today we talk about the ball bearing,after then,you will know what is a ball bearing:
Ball bearing
*deep groove ball bearing
*self-aligning ball bearing
*angular contact ball bearing
*thrust ball bearing
*thin section bearing
*insert bearing
1.deep groove ball bearing have single row and double row deep groove ball bearing,it has different cage like pressed steel cage,nylon cage,brass cage,and also full-complement deep groove ball bearing for very high capacity,this design without cage,according to the material :
*carbon steel deep groove ball bearing,
*chrome steel deep groove ball bearing,
*stainless deep groove ball bearing and
*ceramic deep groove ball bearing,
about the sealed,it have open,rubber sealed and sheild sealed design,this ball bearing have metric
*carbon steel deep groove ball bearing,
*chrome steel deep groove ball bearing,
*stainless deep groove ball bearing and
*ceramic deep groove ball bearing,
about the sealed,it have open,rubber sealed and sheild sealed design,this ball bearing have metric
and inch dimension design on the market.
2.self-aligning ball bearing have two row steel ball,and pressed steel cage or Polyresin cage and brass cage,it have chrome steel self-aligning ball bearing,stainless steel self-aligning ball bearing and ceramic ball bearing.
3.angular contact ball bearing have single row and double-row design,and also four point contact ball bearing,it has stamped metal cages,machined metal cages and polymer cages design,rubber sealed and metal sheild are all avaiable,material:
chrome steel angular contact ball bearing
stainless steel angular contact ball bearing
ceramic angular contact ball bearing
4.thrust ball bearing is different with the other ball bearing, it mainly carry the shaft capacity,it has one direction and double direction thrust ball bearing,the cage it has steel and brass design,material :chrome steel thrust ball bearing,stainless steel thrust ball bearing and ceramic thrust ball bearing.
5.thin section bearing is the new type of the bearing,it have very special and very complex design,its unique design decide its very very high precision,and also it is very hard to process,becuase of his large dimesion of inner and outer ring,but very thin width,Open,rubber sealed and metal shield are
avaiable of thin section bearing.
6.insert bearing also called pillow block bearing,it have the similar design with deep groove ball bearing but the outer ring,it has sphere design on the outer ring,metal shield and rubber sealed are avaiable for this bearing material :
carbon steel pillow block bearing,
chrome steel pillow block
carbon steel pillow block bearing,
chrome steel pillow block
bearing,stainless pillow block bearing,
ceramic pillow block bearing.
ceramic pillow block bearing.
XRB focus on produce spherical roller bearing,tapered roller bearing,cylindrical roller bearing and thrust roller bearing ,www.xrbearing.com